- Goebel Nina & MarcoJust for You
$40.00 $15.50 - Hummel FigurinesJust Resting
$245.00 $119.00 - Hummel FigurinesKeeper of the Goal
$249.00 $189.00 - Hummel Collector ClubKeeping Time$140.00
- Display AccessoriesKeller Wall Wine Rack
$59.00 $5.00 - Hummel FigurinesThe Kindergartner
$320.00 $169.00
- Hummel FigurinesKindergartner 3 1/2"
$130.00 $99.00 - Hummel Nativity PiecesKing Kneeling With Box
$850.00 $239.00 - Hummel Nativity PiecesKing Kneeling With Box
$225.00 $90.00 - Hummel Nativity PiecesKing Kneeling With Box
$289.00 $144.50 - Hummel Nativity PiecesKing Moorish
$299.00 $119.00 - De Rosa FamilyKingfisher
$113.00 $89.00
- Hummel FigurinesKiss Me
$359.00 $159.00 - Department 56 VillagesKitten Tested for Best Mittens
$28.50 $9.50 - De Rosa FamilyKitten With Ribbon
$74.00 $49.00 - Hummel FigurinesKitty Kisses
$250.00 $195.00 - Hummel FigurinesKnit One, Purl One
$165.00 $139.00 - Hummel FigurinesKnitting Lesson
$535.00 $399.00
- De Rosa FamilyKoala With Baby
$103.00 $89.00 - Swarovski FigurinesKris Bear Skaterbear
$119.00 $59.50 - Hummel Nativity PiecesLamb
$55.00 $19.00 - Hummel Century & LargeLand in Sight
$2,000.00 $550.00 - Jim ShoreLapland Santa With Staff$80.00
- Display AccessoriesLarge Chair
$30.00 $15.00